This morning I donned a full piece wet suit, neoprene boodies, hiking books, a harness, helmet, drove up a huge mountain and repelled off a bridge into a glacial waterfall to start my day. Wow! I went cayoning today. I hadn't heard about the sport until two weeks ago but gave it a go today and I am hooked. It is a combination of hiking, rock climbing, swimming, sliding, repelling and abb-sailing. The glacial water was chilly to say the least, but it was awesome. We followed the flow of a waterfall down the mountain. We hiked through it, slid down it, jumped 5m into it, repelled 15m down it, it was awesome a great adventure and workout. I am tired now. I wasn't able to get any photos so I included a link to a video on the companies website. Hope it works for you. Look for Feelfree Canyoning and press "Hier starten" to see the video. It is towards the right of the page.
Click here for the link to a canyoning video. Press Feelfree Canyoning Hier starten to see the video. It is towards the right of the page. It has been an adventure experience in Austria. Yesterday I went golfing at Olympia golf course. It has spectacular mountain views. I met a 17 year old girl at the club who is on the Austrian Junior Golf Team. She and her mother, (who worked at the club, maybe owned it, not sure) were lovely. The course was short but spectacular views. Then right across the road in the mountain is the Olympic Bob Sled track and yes I went for a couple of rides. It too was awesome. I have always wanted to go bob sledding and it was so cool. One minute and six seconds, 1270m, 14 curves and up to 95km/h. The gravitational force (not sure if that is the right name) on one of the curves was incredible. You sit upright but on the curve if felt like mine spine was being compressed from the skull down. It didn't last long but it was intense.
A company rents the track for three nights a week from 4pm - 6pm and does rides for 25 Euro. For the ride to go they need four people so one time there was only three to go and I got to go again but for free. I know it was a lot of money for a 1 minute and six second thrill, but when in Austria at an Olympic bob sled track... Today was way better bang for my buck, five hours of cayoning experience, a beer at the end, a shot of Schnapps, an Austrian lunch, 75 Euro. Great opportunities.
Now for the less thrill seeking activities but good experiences too. When in Salzburg I met a girl (Laura) who is a music teacher in Melbourne who is traveling for five months. We did the Sound of Music tour. I thought of you Sarah (Jones) Morrison the whole time. Sarah is a huge fan for those that don't know. The hills really were alive with the sound of music! Laura and I rented bikes for a day and rode around Salzburg. It was a nice way to get around. The parks were lovely and the mountain views were great. It was a hot, hot day so we wheeled those babies up to the Monastery for a pint. They make some of the greatest beer in Austria at the Augustine Monastery in Salzburg. It is huge and they have a great system for getting food. There is a hallway with different vendors and you can buy what you want and bring it to your seat. They have amazing roast chicken, fries and oh course beer out of wooden barrels.
It is hard to believe in this laid back, beautiful country that they would need Red Bull, but they do I guess. Did you know it was created in Austria? We saw their headquarters.
Innsbruck has hosted the Olympics twice and I can see the ski jump from by hostel. Austria is beautiful. I love those mountains. Having an amazing time. See you soon.
Click here to check out the photos from Salzburg and Innsbruck Austria. Click here for the link to a canyoning video. Press Feelfree Canyoning Hier starten to see the video. It is towards the right of the page.