Today started out with no plan and was a full day that just kept getting topped. The woman at the hostel suggested a boat ride and walk along the lake. It was awesome. The colour of the glacial water is spectacular. The boat ride was an hour long with mountains on both sides and then we hiked about 8km along the water and through the woods always with the mountains in view. There were a pair of fighter jets that flew over at least four times during the walk.
It was funny before catching the boat we debated going to the grocery store and buying a sandwich as yesterday each village we visited was a ghost town and nothing was open and it was really hard to find food. So we thought we wouldn't get our selves into the same trouble as yesterday but it happened again. Looking on the map it looked like the town we were going to by boat would have shops and restaurants. No such luck. So we walked and ended up in a little town where again nothing was open. It is low season and the villages and cities are ghost towns. We found a restaurant with a sign saying open. We went in, greeted the guy, sat down and then 10minutes later he says oh you want food? Kitchen is closed. Even though the sign said open. So we walked on and found another one. At that place the guy was so rude that we left. We found a hotel and they said they would make us a sandwich. One piece of meat between two pieces of bread and nothing else, $7.50. Food just the same and really we should have learned from yesterday and we had bread and food at the hostel we didn't take.
After we got the sandwich we asked this guy at the information booth which I was suprized it was open, which way to walk to Interlaken? He laughed in a big berly laugh and checked our shoes, ok and pointed us on our way. We laughed too once we climbed the hill and realized the rest of the walk was up hill and just along the highway. So we caught the bus. Local busses are free in this town with our hostel voucher.
Once back in Interlaken we went to a chocolate show and we got to make chocolates and eat more than our fair share. For $14.80 we went to the show and with that price you get an $8 voucher for products. It was awesome chocolate. He said a Swiss eats 25pounds of chocolate a year. I wonder what a Moloney eats a year?
After the chocolate eating we went for dinner and ended up at this great restaurant with jovial guys working there trying to drum up business. I had a pork roast and mash potatoe dinner for $17.50 which is a really good price for here. We were given free salad and ice cream which was an added bonus. While we were eating the ice cream I heard this noise and then music. It was one of those big horns. The waiter said would you like to try it? I will bring it out. We were eating on the patio. So we got to play the horn too.
Then it turns out that the hockey game I bought tickets for the other day will be the Canada vs Latvija game. Which is another added bonus to get to see Canada play and Latvija has crazy fun fans. So watch for me on tv.
Click on this link for more photos of Switzerland
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