Luxembourg is a great city. The train ride here was beautiful. Through vineyards, hills, tunnels, along the Rhine with castles on hills in the distance. Very lovely. Then I make it to Luxembourg and see the gorgeous buildings, walls, bridges and old structures. It too is a workout up and down the hills, but really nice walking. There is a really nice park down in a valley where once you are in it you can not see any buildings and just the wall, water, trees and greenery.
A place always gets defined by the people you meet in it and I met a very nice man from The States last night in Luxembourg. We shared the walk through the park and a beer. He has an interesting story and it was great to hangout with him. He is a financial controller for NATO in Iraq and will now be working in Luxembourg for NATO. He was here for a job interview and got the job. His stories of Iraq (he has lived there for four years) and his experiences with the Navy living on a submarine and aircraft carrier were very interesting.
I went to the Casements. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a series of underground tunnels created by Count Siegfried in 963. The casements offered shelter to 1000's at a time over centuries. The most recent being shelter during the world war. Originally they were made to protect the fortress. There is a very nice Abbey in town, many churches and walking paths.
There is money in Luxembourg. I had no idea it is as successful as it is. The highest income per capita in Europe. A real banking town and many a suit around.
Click here to see the pictures from Luxembourg
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