I love when you are presently surprised and that is how I felt on my boat trip from Helsinki to Stockholm. I had booked a ticket to come by ferry, but as it turns out the “ferry” was really a mini cruise ship, complete with entertainment. It is big business to go between the two places and people do it as a mini holiday. So here I was thinking I was going on a true “ferry” for the night and hoping I could get some sleep. I was told I had a bed, which was great as people told me you could have to sleep on the deck or on the restaurant floor once it is closed. So when I showed up and was given a key to a cabin it was great. I was waiting for the other three people to show up in the room as it could accommodate four, but nope, had it to myself. Even had a bathroom in the cabin and it was the best shower I had had in a week. So then I had to dawn a dress as it was a cruise boat and I went to watch a couple of bands play. It was great. Single girl on a cruise ship in a dress at the pub leads to some interesting individuals to entertain you for the night. I will leave it at that. All in all, it was a great evening.
So now I am in Stockholm. It is a lovely city with lots of water and islands. I have done tons of walking here and a little shopping in the neat boutique type shops in the old city. Really it has been eight hour days of walking and checking out the lovely buildings. Sorry Jack there is no Mats Sudin stuff around. They don’t realize how popular he is and how lucky they are to have him. All they care about is this princess who just got married, big deal, what about hockey?
Today I met my friend Michaela from the Serbia - Gun Train (see my post- guns, drugs, fireworks, cigarettes and a Serbian train) to refresh your memory.
Guns, drugs, fireworks, cigarettes and a Serbian Train
She is great. She is just back from a one month train trip through Eastern Europe. So it was cool to chat about that. She is living in Uppsala, a University town, so tomorrow I will go and have a wander around there. It is a 40 minute train ride outside of Stockholm. While we were having a hot chocolate and latte at the café in the square we were entertained by a set of three female musicians. They were absolutely brilliant so I spent the afternoon listening to them. They did a wide variety of cover tunes and were excellent.
Check out the photos of Stockholm at the following link;
Stockholm Sweden Pictures
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