The picture is of me riding the statue at the Sculpture Park in Oslo Norway.
I visited Uppsala Sweden the other day. It is a lovely University town with a 190 000 people and 40 000 of them are students at the “oldest University in Scandinavia.” The University has a cool building with a copula on top. The copula is open to the main floor where dissections were done 300 years ago on prisoners. The room is a big cylinder with seats up and down the sides for observing. It was a quant town and easy to get around by foot. They had a reggae festival on, so I was a little out of place because I didn’t have my hair in dreads.
At the grocery store you have to see the tills they have. The cashier doesn’t even have to come up with how to make your change anymore. The machine literally passes out the correct bills and spits out the change. The cashier doesn’t have to put the money into the till either. They just have to place it on the corresponding number and the machine sucks it up.
I am currently in Oslo Norway, again another nice town. There are some beautiful neighborhoods here and lovely walking to do through the residential areas. Speaking of walking, yesterday Jessie (yet another Aussie traveler) and I walked over 20 km’s. It was great, you name it, we walked to it. We saw a Viking ship, the ski jump, the Opera house, the palace, the beach and the very cool sculpture park. We went to a free concert at the Cathedral which was amazing. It was put on by the Norway Youth Choir and they were excellent. There was also the Tour de Norway for kids, bike race today through the town.
For the next little while I will be moving around Norway doing a circle around to the north, west coast and back to Oslo to check out the scenery by, train, boat, bus and of course foot.
Check out the Uppsala Sweden pictures at the following link;
Pictures of Uppsala Sweden
Check out the Oslo Norway pictures at the following link;
Pictures of Oslo Norway
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