Tuesday 23 June 2009

Hamam, Turkish Bath

Still hanging out in Cappadocia but I have set the plans for a move. I am taking a 12 hour overnight bus from Cappadocia to Istanbul on Wednesday night with Jenny a girl from BC. We will hang out for the day in Istanbul together and I will catch a flight in the evening to Athens for the next leg of the adventure.

Jenny is having a similar time to me in Cappadocia she too has local friends and like me doesn't know where the time goes during the day. We have become a little lazy and enjoy a scrabble game with our lunch and maybe a walk/hike and then evening entertainment with friends.

Last night I got another trip into the Hamam. Man they are fantastic and I am not sure why I haven't taken advantage of it more often. A little sauna, exfoliation with a big rubber mitt, shampoo, massage and last night was topped off with a jacuzzi. I have learned a little bit about the Hamam. People use to go to the Hamam, or bath house for their weekly bath and wash but now it is a luxury, relaxing thing to do here. I met some American peace core people who were in Morroco and used the Hamam for it's original purpose as their village didn't have running water. They didn't understand why it was so expensive here. I explained it is a luxury here. They were paying 50 cents and here it is anywhere from $20 - $50. Depends on if you get the tourist price or if you go with a local. The men are seperated from the women and men bath men and women, women. So now the whole muslim lack of covering, conservatism etc makes sense to me. The locals go as a social. Often going at the same time and day of the week to gossip with friends.

All is well and I figure the next bit will be moving through the countries quick using my rail pass. So I am enjoying the last few days of relaxation in Cappadocia with the great scenery and people.

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